The Epoxy Laminating Resin is an unfilled, medium-viscosity combination of resin and hardener with working time (pot life) about 45 minutes. at room temperature.
1 kg (625 g of resin and 375 g of hardener)
Personal Experiences:
We press with a vacuum press for at least 20 ° C for 14 hours.
Afterwards, the ski is ready for further processing, but should be in a warm room for a few days to cure properly before the first ride.
We need about 700 to 800 g of resin mixture per pair of skis.
Proper curing:
The resin cures at 20 ° C. Until it is final, it takes 7 days at 20 ° C.
You can already finish the skis / snowboard before. But you should avoid driving the skis / snowboard before or even testing the bending behavior.
If the resin has reached the final hardness, then it is later better protected against higher temperatures.
Of course, it is faster if you cure the skis / snowboard properly at higher temperatures.
For example after pressing, then 15 hours at 60 ° C or 5 hours at 60 ° C + 6 hours at 80 ° C.
If you have no stove or other heating, you could also use a sauna.
Protect your skis / snowboards from warping.
Maximum 5 kg per order.
Price per kg (625 g resin / 375 g hardener)